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« Our New Darling, Clementine | Main | Remembering Larry »

April 12, 2011


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outdoor playground equipment

It is so refreshing to see these beautiful animals living life the way their Creator makes me so happy to know that there are people working so hard to help farm animals

MA Moore

I love ALL of your videos! It is so refreshing to see these beautiful animals living life the way their Creator intended. Thank you for restoring my faith in the human race! May God Bless you today and always! xoxo


thank you so much susie and every single person who helps at farm sanctuary, it makes me so happy to know that there are people working so hard to help farm animals, who deserve a much happier life!

Beryl Furman

I just LOVE your videos! One can see the simple pleasures the animals have are the same for all creatures.


YAY!!!!!! What an exciting day!!!

Kayla W.

Aww how cute!! Happiest ducks I've ever seen :-)

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Farm Sanctuary is the nation's leading farm animal protection organization. Since incorporating in 1986, Farm Sanctuary has worked to expose and stop cruel practices of the "food animal" industry ... read more.

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Susie Coston

Susie Coston, Farm Sanctuary's national shelter director, joined us in March 2000. In the six years prior to coming to Farm Sanctuary, she worked for a veterinarian and at a sanctuary in West Virginia. Read more.

Tara Oresick

Tara Oresick has been the director of Farm Sanctuary's Northern California Shelter since January 2012. She previously worked at our New York Shelter, starting as an intern in 2008, joining the staff as a caregiver in 2009, and becoming the shelter manager in 2010. Read more.

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