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« Feeling Their Pain: Chickens and Empathy | Main | Reel Life Video Series: Episode Seven »

March 30, 2011


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I just found out today I'm a monthly sponsor of Clementine. She is such a gorgeous woman!

Suzanne Marienau

Such a heartwarming story! Thank God for the person who initially rescued Clementine and ultimately turned her over to Farm Sanctuary. How wonderful that she and Clarence will have peaceful, full lives without fear of abuse or neglect or slaughter. Why can't all people see that animals want to live their lives out in peace too? Just think how much better this world would be if everyone was a vegan and animals were not slaughtered, ever. You folks at Farm Sanctuary are my heroes.


There goes my mascara...(again:-)!

Dog Lover

Thank you for such a beautiful story! I'm so touched that Clementine and Clarence may have a peaceful life together.
Wonderful story!

chicken house

it really touches our heart, that you have taken care of Clementine, Great story of her and a nice photo too..

Ibrahim Dabo

Well wishes to Clementine and Clarence. Lovely indeed.


you guys are the best..... godspeed... more power.... you are my inspiration

Tom Schmidt

I'm happy to see Clementine and Clarence are now friends, and that they are in a place where they will always have people that love them looking after them.

Margaret Wigglesworth

Thank you so much for looking after Clementine and all the other beautiful animals you care for!

Beryl Furman

So so lovely! Though a very simple story, it brought tears in to my eyes. Sharing my home with 12 rescue birds I do know how birds show their well being - chatting nicely with each other, enjoying peacefully each others company. So little they need for feeling good, and yet almost always prohibited from them.


This is so wonderful, Susie! It really made me smile today! Thank you for posting the picture and story of Clementine!

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Farm Sanctuary is the nation's leading farm animal protection organization. Since incorporating in 1986, Farm Sanctuary has worked to expose and stop cruel practices of the "food animal" industry ... read more.

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Susie Coston

Susie Coston, Farm Sanctuary's national shelter director, joined us in March 2000. In the six years prior to coming to Farm Sanctuary, she worked for a veterinarian and at a sanctuary in West Virginia. Read more.

Tara Oresick

Tara Oresick has been the director of Farm Sanctuary's Northern California Shelter since January 2012. She previously worked at our New York Shelter, starting as an intern in 2008, joining the staff as a caregiver in 2009, and becoming the shelter manager in 2010. Read more.

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