by Susie
Many farm animals are victims of simple neglect, as is the case for Clementine, a recently arrived hen at our New York Shelter. Clementine was taken into a bar and left there as a prank, without concern for what would happen to her. Some patrons spent the evening trying to find her home, but with no luck. Eventually, she was taken in by a wildlife rehabber, who then thankfully brought her to us, where she can receive the care and attention she deserves.
Clementine was a little thin when she was brought to us, but otherwise in good condition. And, since she is chatty and sweet, and prone to curiously and playfully pecking at people who come into her barn stall, many of the staff here have already become very fond of her. When she isn’t hanging out in her nest, she is often found serenely perched on top of her water bowl, which is a really cute sight to see!
In her short time here, Clementine has also made a close friend in Clarence rooster. He too was a victim of neglect, but with far worse consequences. Left with no shelter in below-zero conditions, Clarence lost all the tips of his comb and two toes to frostbite. But now he is doing well in his stall next to Clementine. The two chat throughout the day, and when they are both deemed healthy enough to enter the main population, they will likely live together and spend full, happy lives by one another’s sides.
I just found out today I'm a monthly sponsor of Clementine. She is such a gorgeous woman!
Posted by: | August 26, 2011 at 01:13 PM
Such a heartwarming story! Thank God for the person who initially rescued Clementine and ultimately turned her over to Farm Sanctuary. How wonderful that she and Clarence will have peaceful, full lives without fear of abuse or neglect or slaughter. Why can't all people see that animals want to live their lives out in peace too? Just think how much better this world would be if everyone was a vegan and animals were not slaughtered, ever. You folks at Farm Sanctuary are my heroes.
Posted by: Suzanne Marienau | June 11, 2011 at 12:26 PM
There goes my mascara...(again:-)!
Posted by: Gayle | June 10, 2011 at 06:31 PM
Thank you for such a beautiful story! I'm so touched that Clementine and Clarence may have a peaceful life together.
Wonderful story!
Posted by: Dog Lover | June 05, 2011 at 09:03 PM
it really touches our heart, that you have taken care of Clementine, Great story of her and a nice photo too..
Posted by: chicken house | May 24, 2011 at 02:15 AM
Well wishes to Clementine and Clarence. Lovely indeed.
Posted by: Ibrahim Dabo | May 11, 2011 at 01:37 PM
you guys are the best..... godspeed... more power.... you are my inspiration
Posted by: JoyfulVegan | April 07, 2011 at 12:15 PM
I'm happy to see Clementine and Clarence are now friends, and that they are in a place where they will always have people that love them looking after them.
Posted by: Tom Schmidt | April 06, 2011 at 11:57 PM
Thank you so much for looking after Clementine and all the other beautiful animals you care for!
Posted by: Margaret Wigglesworth | April 06, 2011 at 09:31 PM
So so lovely! Though a very simple story, it brought tears in to my eyes. Sharing my home with 12 rescue birds I do know how birds show their well being - chatting nicely with each other, enjoying peacefully each others company. So little they need for feeling good, and yet almost always prohibited from them.
Posted by: Beryl Furman | March 31, 2011 at 03:47 AM
This is so wonderful, Susie! It really made me smile today! Thank you for posting the picture and story of Clementine!
Posted by: debbie | March 30, 2011 at 07:40 PM