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March 21, 2011


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Heat Pump Prices

I found this article useful in a paper I am writing at university. Hopefully, I get an A+ now!

George Noble

I wonder when this same care and concern will be extended to fish, which are also, now being factory farmed. I have read reports of fish showing bonding, attachments and personality traits. Living in the water poses a greater barrier to humans bonding with them, however. The whale and dolphin mammals, I notice, have not had difficulty attracting human advocates.

barbara capalbo

Almost 20 years ago while we were on vacation in South East Asia I recall an awakening I had with regard to chickens. We were sitting on our cabin porch relaxing after a long hike. Suddenly from below came the most disturbing cry - an ungodly clucking wail - coming from a chicken nearby. As I inquired about what was going on my husband pointed out that the person carrying the chicken was carrying it by the feet upside down. My husband said the chicken was carrying on so much because it knew it was going to be slaughtered. I can't tell you how much this upset me. I wanted to save that chicken, honestly. My husband probably stopped me. Well, that chicken's distress ended my chicken eating from that day on. Until then I just had never considered that chickens might be aware, let alone even care, that they were about to be killed or become someone's meal. If people had to slaughter their own animals to eat and/or witness what animals go through as they're about to be killed many more people would stop eating meat. This sad upsetting event changed me. I realized chickens were animals with feelings, too, and that they deserved our respect. That led me to consider what other animals might be going through. And so I totally stopped eating meat.

Angie Lavezzo

This is so well said. It seems everyone I talk to that is an animal lover has experienced at least one poignant story about animal relationships and their complexity. I think that's why it seems all the more shocking to me that big agri-business can ignore it so completely. I am very glad that science is attempting to catch up to what animal lovers have known all along. Hopefully science will help the laws change to give animals the respect they all deserve.


Birds are amazingly sympathetic AND empathetic! My male cockatiel, sat with and comforted my female dog when she 'gave birth' after suffering through a false pregnancy. They had never paid much attention to each other until she was mothering her imaginary brood, composed of a slipper and a stuffed toy. She was comforted as he spent hours sitting next to her for the better part of a week until she was well again. It was truly beautiful to see such bonding and care.

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Susie Coston

Susie Coston, Farm Sanctuary's national shelter director, joined us in March 2000. In the six years prior to coming to Farm Sanctuary, she worked for a veterinarian and at a sanctuary in West Virginia. Read more.

Tara Oresick

Tara Oresick has been the director of Farm Sanctuary's Northern California Shelter since January 2012. She previously worked at our New York Shelter, starting as an intern in 2008, joining the staff as a caregiver in 2009, and becoming the shelter manager in 2010. Read more.

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