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« Animal Photo of the Week: Kim Gordon | Main | Animal Photo of the Week: Persia »

August 05, 2010


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Mimi S

This article just broke my heart and I am near tears. I have never thought of fairs "doing this to animals" but they truly do. It's been 5 or more years since I've been to a State Fair, but I don't think will ever visit one again.

Eric Mills

I attended last Monday's hearing at CalExpo on this issue. We've been asking for a ban on the birthing exhibits sincee 2004. The committee and the three vets present seem determined to continue the birthing exhibits, whereas most activists think they should be banned.

LEGISLATION IS IN ORDER. Write to your state Senators and Assemblymembers and ask them to introduce a bill next year to ban birthing exhibits at the State Fair and all county fairs. Curiously, all the literature by the vets themselves point to the need for solitude and quiet for animals about to give birth. And one wonders how many abort during transport in the last days of their pregnancy.....


Eric Mills, coordinator


This poor cow needed solitude and shelter to have her baby and this is the sorry result? A nutcase?

This so-called veterinarian should be pointing the finger at himself.

So sad. May the day come soon when the "state fair" is no more.

Cher Steinberg

Absolutely true ...... people can be educated about all animals by being part of their "real" and "natural" environment.... not some falsified fair scene .. At all time, we must be conscious of the animals state of mind and feelings, or else, we are not serving as being the head of the animal kingdom.

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Farm Sanctuary is the nation's leading farm animal protection organization. Since incorporating in 1986, Farm Sanctuary has worked to expose and stop cruel practices of the "food animal" industry ... read more.

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Susie Coston

Susie Coston, Farm Sanctuary's national shelter director, joined us in March 2000. In the six years prior to coming to Farm Sanctuary, she worked for a veterinarian and at a sanctuary in West Virginia. Read more.

Tara Oresick

Tara Oresick has been the director of Farm Sanctuary's Northern California Shelter since January 2012. She previously worked at our New York Shelter, starting as an intern in 2008, joining the staff as a caregiver in 2009, and becoming the shelter manager in 2010. Read more.

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