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July 12, 2010


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Cindie White-Weiss

If this whole story made you sick or sad or angry, GO VEGAN NOW. Don't be a part of the cruelty food chain. Refuse to buy animal-derived products from mass producers. Choose organic and LOCAL so you can drive over to check out farming practices in person.

And those vets should have their licenses taken away. They are not taking care of their patients - they are part of the whole sordid problem.

M robinson

Can Mercy for Animals or Farm Animal Sanctuary or the Humane Society or PETA or some such NGO get together to organize a fund to overturn this ruling and / or use this as an advert to better regulate the industry and protect animals? I think there must be millions of us who would donate a few dollars for this cause. We are sick of big industry's cruelty to animals and humans and biasing our worldwide justice systems for their own ends. Such a campaign is crucial and would empower us as individuals.

Mary Ellen

This makes absolutely no sense! The Conkling Dairy Farm should be shut down! This makes me so sad and disgusted! It's time for society to change the way they view the treatment of farm animals - it makes me sick!

with a broken heart

I am thankful for the food I eat and have become more aware of the meat I consume. Since the Conklin incident I have purchased less milk because I live very close to this farm. It might sound weird but it makes me feel strange to think that I am drinking from a cow that may still live on that farm or others like it. Though I pray and thank them (cows) for their gift, it will never be enough, crazy sounding, I know.


We cannot forget, nor can we allow them to forget. I hope this won't slip under the radar and all will go back to normal.

Mark A.

This one incident (the Conklin Torture video) has forever changed my life. I have always loved animals and protected them, but now I feel a responsibility to devote a few minuted of each end every day fighting, in some small way, for the helpless. I have a Google alert for Conklin Dairy Farms and will never let up on this story. Wherever my efforts are needed I will contine to make people aware and I will continue to write legislators until this BS (no pun intended) stops. If anything has ever gone against the laws of nature beating chained up cows in the face with crowbars certainly qualifies and no amount of BS (yes there is a lot of BS in this story!) from "qualified" vets will dissuade me from fighting for the animals. The world breaks as cleanly as a Saltine cracker on if the video pictured abuse or not. I beleive it does and will fight for more humane treatment until my body no longer draws breath. Personally, I find the behavior of Gary Conklin to be COWARDLY in the extreme and i'm so glad he is not in my family tree. I come from a family of warriors and people like Gary Conklin turn my stomach.

Vegan Traveler

The veterinarians were probably paid or told their services would no longer be needed. Sad


I am beyond furious with the charges being dismissed! It does seem like the worse the animals are treated, the more its shrugged off in the meat eating world as...yawn...whatever...
There has to be SOMETHING we can do other than type in these "I'm outraged" comments!
I'm still having nightmares and very angry thoughts of the Conklin video that was shown as proof...makes me want to scream...WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE???


I felt sick to my stomach when I read that these poor cows are still there on Conklin Dairy Farm being mistreated and abused as before. I just don't understand what is wrong with people! Thank you, Farm Sanctuary, for being there for all farm animals. I truly admire the work you do!

Cathy Snyder

Thank you for doing the right thing for farm aniamls. I fully support your efforts.

Cathy Snyder

Thank you for trying to do the write thing for Farm Animals. I fully support your efforts.
Topa Topa Hikers

Cathy May

It makes me sick inside and hardens my resolve to never give in or up the fight for the animals. One person can make a difference so, many CAN make changes, painfully slow they might be.

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Farm Sanctuary is the nation's leading farm animal protection organization. Since incorporating in 1986, Farm Sanctuary has worked to expose and stop cruel practices of the "food animal" industry ... read more.

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Susie Coston

Susie Coston, Farm Sanctuary's national shelter director, joined us in March 2000. In the six years prior to coming to Farm Sanctuary, she worked for a veterinarian and at a sanctuary in West Virginia. Read more.

Tara Oresick

Tara Oresick has been the director of Farm Sanctuary's Northern California Shelter since January 2012. She previously worked at our New York Shelter, starting as an intern in 2008, joining the staff as a caregiver in 2009, and becoming the shelter manager in 2010. Read more.

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