In January 2009, an undercover investigator filmed countless acts of cruelty inflicted upon newly-hatched birds at Cal-Cruz Hatchery in Santa Cruz, California. Shortly thereafter, 38 seized ducklings found refuge at Farm Sanctuary. Many have since been adopted by loving members of our Farm Animal Adoption Network while eight remain at our Orland shelter, savoring every day in the California sunshine. In this beautiful slideshow featuring photos by photographer Connie Pugh, see the rescued ducks reveling in ther newfound freedom!
I am so happy that these ducks were rescued. I heard about that whole duck episode and how the District Attorney Art Danner hardly did anything (if indeed he did do anything) to prosecute the company that was responsible. They actually look like they are smiling. It makes me feel warm inside to see their little faces. Thank you Farm Sanctuary...
Posted by: Jasmine Vaught | September 18, 2010 at 05:00 PM
These ducklings are doubly fortunate: not only were they rescued from absolutely horrible abuse, but their spirit and personalities were captured by the very talented Connie Pugh!
Posted by: | June 11, 2010 at 10:38 AM