By Gene
Over the course of Farm Sanctuary’s 25 year history, we have organized an annual Walk for Farm Animals. It has been a cornerstone event, mobilizing citizens and raising awareness and funding for our vital work. This year, we are ramping up the effort, and it’s going to be the largest Walk for Farm Animals effort to date. Between September 10 and November 6, thousands of concerned citizens will join together in communities across the United States. There will be Walk for Farm Animals events in dozens of cities, from New York to California, and there is also a virtual event called the “Sleep In for Farm Animals” for those unable to attend a Walk event in person.
The Walk for Farm Animals provides a great opportunity to engage your family, friends and others in discussions about a critically relevant but often ignored topic: the largely hidden suffering of more than nine billion farm animals in the U.S. (that number doesn’t even include fish, who now make up the vast majority of animals killed for their flesh in the U.S.). Numerous public opinion polls have shown that citizens overwhelmingly believe that farm animals, like all animals, deserve to be protected from cruelty. But inhumane practices have become common on today’s factory farms, and most citizens unwittingly support them by consuming meat, milk and eggs. It doesn’t have to be this way.
The Walk for Farm Animals invites people to think about farm animals, raises awareness about who these animals are, and urges people to explore the profound consequences of our food choices. Ultimately, the Walk for Farm Animals, like other Farm Sanctuary activities, encourages us to live by our better natures.
It is inspiring and empowering to join with like-minded people for a common cause. I am looking forward to participating in several walks around the country, and I hope you will get involved too. Register today at