by Gene
I spent several days in Ohio this week to attend meetings of Ohioans for Humane Farms, an organization formed to wage an initiative campaign to combat blatant forms of animal cruelty on farms in the Buckeye state. It was very heartening to see hundreds of concerned citizens at the meetings, getting involved. People in Ohio, like in other states, believe that all animals, including farm animals, deserve to be treated with respect, and that it’s wrong to confine them in cages and crates so tightly that they cannot even turn around or stretch their limbs.
Bad has become “normal” on today’s factory farms, and amazingly, state anti-cruelty laws have been amended to exempt “normal” agricultural practices, no matter how cruel they are. Agribusiness wields excessive influence over politicians, and the factory farming industry has been able to quash basic humane reforms. But, when these issues see the light of day and citizens have a chance to weigh in, change happens.
Voters in Florida, Arizona and California have all enacted ballot measures to prohibit some of the worst factory farming cruelties. Now, Ohioans will have a chance to do so as well, but it will require a lot of effort to collect over 600,000 signatures by the end of June to get on the ballot this November. If you live in Ohio, or know anybody who does, please get involved.