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« Big Bird’s Betrayal | Main | How Do You Go On? (Part Two of Two) »

October 01, 2009


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Truly inspiring... Farm Sanctuary was a huge reason why I finally went from vegetarian to full vegan. Keep it up!!! :)

I am a Vegan. I would NEVER eat or hurt any animal. I love them so much. God Bless everyone at F.S. for what you do & the awareness you raise. God is smiling on you & the animals. Love & Light. ~Jayne Rossi, Trenton, NJ

Thank you so much for these articles! I was crying a few minutes ago after watching the latest undercover videos captured by the Humane Society at the factory farm/supplier of Walmart, and even though I have become Vegan, myself, I felt so sad for the animals and just hopeless that our lawmakers and leaders aren't stopping this!

These articles put a hopeful smile back on my face. Thank you! I have started a petition on if you would like to sign and share: I look forward to continuing to fight this fight alongside fellow activists like yourselves. :o)


Tammy Lacy

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Farm Sanctuary is the nation's leading farm animal protection organization. Since incorporating in 1986, Farm Sanctuary has worked to expose and stop cruel practices of the "food animal" industry ... read more.

Making Hay with Gene Baur features personal blogs from Farm Sanctuary President & Co-founder Gene Baur, as well as other entries focused on Farm Sanctuary’s advocacy efforts and the multiple ways that you can get involved and make a difference for farm animals.

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Gene Baur, President and Co-founder of Farm Sanctuary

Gene grew up in Hollywood, California and worked in commercials for McDonald's and other fast food restaurants. He adopted a vegan lifestyle in 1985, and today, he campaigns to raise awareness about the negative consequences of industrialized factory farming and our cheap food system. He lives in Washington, DC and is the co-founder and president of Farm Sanctuary. Read more.

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