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« Animals in the City | Main | Breaking Into Animal Law »

August 27, 2009


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Wow! It sounds like you had an excellent trip Jasmin, and you're absolutely right: respect and compassion for all the creatures we share this planet with is an issue without boundaries. Tactics to create positive change in this direction will differ from culture to culture and will be achieved at different speeds in each one. I'm glad to hear that South Africa is highly committed to animal welfare, and my congratulations to them on their great work!

I agree that we don't hear enough about international issues, or in fact about many domestic ones. Our news media tend to report issues that will captivate an audience and build viewer numbers so that advertising can be sold at higher prices. That doesn't necessarily mean reporting what's important or even reporting objectively; it just means doing what they feel is necessary to build an audience. Much of the news we get in this country might more accurately be called news-related entertainment.

Jasmin -- your blog was so inspirational. I had no idea that South Africa was so aware and proactive for needed change. Thank you for bringing this to your blog readers. Great job. So glad that the short trip was so meaningful to you.

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Farm Sanctuary is the nation's leading farm animal protection organization. Since incorporating in 1986, Farm Sanctuary has worked to expose and stop cruel practices of the "food animal" industry ... read more.

Making Hay with Gene Baur features personal blogs from Farm Sanctuary President & Co-founder Gene Baur, as well as other entries focused on Farm Sanctuary’s advocacy efforts and the multiple ways that you can get involved and make a difference for farm animals.

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Gene Baur, President and Co-founder of Farm Sanctuary

Gene grew up in Hollywood, California and worked in commercials for McDonald's and other fast food restaurants. He adopted a vegan lifestyle in 1985, and today, he campaigns to raise awareness about the negative consequences of industrialized factory farming and our cheap food system. He lives in Washington, DC and is the co-founder and president of Farm Sanctuary. Read more.

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